Friday, May 22, 2009

Getting Around

This is gonna be a shorter post. I had a small emergency that took up a part of my day. The other part constituted getting a much needed haircut, hardly blog worthy. But I do think it's worth posting the part of the city that's easy to overlook, but really makes my journey possible. The metro system in Barcelona is probably the best that I've seen anywhere. It's clean, efficient (trains come every 2-3 minutes) and reaches every part of the city. The city is huge and it would only take me about 30 minutes to get from one side to the other. Pretty remarkable really. And if there weren't so many pickpockets roaming the trains, I really wouldn't have anything bad to say about it.

One interesting thing about any public transportation is the people you observe. They come from all walks and are more or less trying to ignore you. Mostly its interesting to see all the couples on the trains. It's like an underground hotel. I know its a cultural thing, but come on, get a room.


  1. I am nosy. I want to know your emergency.

  2. Springer's phone got stolen. So I had to call home and cancel her phone and get her taken care of. But all is well, no worries.
